Thank You to our Silver & Gold Program Sponsors
Our partners make it possible.
Creating a partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters benefits Muscatine’s most important asset—our children. Each one of our partners helps start something.
Community Partners with Big Brothers Big Sisters provide the opportunity for employees or members of their organization to volunteer in the community. Our volunteer programs also build teamwork and employee engagement.
Do your community a service. Start a community partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters. In making an impact on area kids, community partners make an impact close to home. Plus, they can build member teamwork and loyalty in the process.
To find out more about community partnerships please contact Lindsey Phillips at 563-263-9996.
Thanks to Our Partners
Because of you, hundreds of kids in Muscatine County have a renewed outlook on life and the potential to achieve their dreams. So, thank you:
- Allsteel, Inc.
- Bridgestone Bandag Tire Solutions
- CBI Bank & Trust
- First National Bank of Muscatine
- HNI Corporation
- HON Company
- Kent Corporation
- Lipton Tea
- Member’s Community Credit Union
- MUSCO Sports Lighting
If you are an employee at one of these companies ask your Human Resource Department for more information about becoming a School Based Big Brother or Big Sister.
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Click here.
Want to make a donation to support our programs? Click here.